
Dec 1969 Modern cereal production
Dec 1970 Topics included potatoes, grain storage, maize and cereal mildew
April 1971 The future for wheat, barley, sugar beet, vegetables and potatoes
Dec 1971 Herbage varieties, soils, cultivations and chemical ploughing
April 1972 Agriculture and forestry on marginal land
Jan 1973 Tillage in Ireland and the EEC
April 1973 Land reclamation
May 1975 Grassland
Jan 1976 Wild oat control, continuous cereals, economics
Jan 1977 Farm and merchant grain storage
Feb 1978 Future use of midland bogs
Jan 1979 Tree planting on the farm
Feb 1980 Energy saving on the farm
Feb 1981 £350 million food imports: fact or fiction
Feb 1982 The nutrition of arable crops
Feb 1983 Modern tillage practices and the soil
Feb 1984 The future for grain: quality, storage and marketing
Feb 1985 Tillage farming: coping with the future
Feb 1986 Fertilizing and spraying: towards greater efficiency
Feb 1987 Financial management of the tillage farm
Feb 1988 Topics included: feeding cereals, intervention, malting barley,
peas and beans
Feb 1989 Topics included: trace elements, CAN vs Urea, P, K, tyres,
stripper header, straw incorporation
Feb 1990 Crop establishment and management
Feb 1991 “Tillage Ireland” conference (RDS)
Dec 1991 Future farming practice
Dec 1992 Coping with CAP reform
Dec 1993 Managing CAP reform
Dec 1994 Farming tomorrow
Dec 1995 Labour and cost management on tillage farms
Dec 1996 Back to basics
Dec 1997 Adjusting to a new cereal production scenario
Dec 1998 Biotechnology for the future
Dec 1999 Asset rich, cash poor
Dec 2000 Management inputs for a better rural environment
Dec 2001 Quality grain production and marketing
Dec 2002 New challenges, new opportunities
Dec 2003 Harnessing farm resources for energy
Dec 2004 A “new era” in tillage farming
Dec 2005 Options post decoupling
Dec 2006 Co-operation for prosperity
Dec 2007 Responding to Change (agenda)
Dec 2008 The Cost Price Squeeze: A continuing challenge for agriculture. (agenda)
Dec 2009 Preparing for Change (agenda)
Dec 2010 Plant Science – The Future of Farming and Food (agenda)
Dec 2011 Evolving Tillage Policy and Maintaining High Yields
Dec 2013 Adapting a Tillage Farm for ‘Tomorrow
Dec 2014 Understanding and working with new farm regulations
Dec 2015 Land: Mobility and Management
Dec 2016 Tillage Farming in Ireland: An unlevel playing field
Dec 2017 Non Metal tools of Tillage Farming
Dec 2018 Optimising organic manures in tillage farming
Dec 2019 Visions for the Future (50th Anniversary)

Dec 2020 Update on CAP negotiations and new nitrates regulations                                                       

Dec 2021 Dealing with Current Challenges to our Businesses                                                                   

Dec 2022 Managing Risk, Volatility and Policy Changes in 2023                                                               

Dec 2023 Resilience in people, products and profits for a brighter future in the Tillage Sector


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